Swing Dance Class Descriptions
A-Level classes (6 pm on Wednesdays) are for beginners or those who want to improve their basics.
There are THREE sections that you can take in any order, so when you start take whichever A section we are currently teaching.
A1 (6-Count Lindy Hop)
A2 (Charleston/Lindy Hop)
A3 (8-Count Lindy Hop)
All of these styles are under the umbrella of "Swing Dancing" and can be woven together into one dance. We recommend that you take all three sections, in any order, as many times as you want. (The beginner classes offered by Lindy Maine are interchangeable with the A-Classes offered by Portland Swing Project.)
Once you master all three sections of A, you can move on to the B-Level classes.
B-Level classes (7:15 pm on Wednesdays) are for students who have completed and mastered all three A-Level sections.
B-Level classes mix 6-count Lindy, Charleston, and 8-count Lindy. You can take these in any order and may be repeated as often as you'd like, as the material will change each year. Not sure if you're ready for B Class yet? Read the leveling up policy here.
B1 (Mixing 6 & 8 Counts)
B2 (Lindy Stew)
B3 (Swingout Funshop)
B4 (Beyond Basic Charleston)
B5 (Lindy Stew II)​